Maternity coverage for up to 2 deliveries, terminations & related expenses. In-patient pre/post-natal care up to 90 days. Waiting period applies. Applicable up to 45 years. Includes surrogacy & complications.
Baby Care CoverageIn-Patient Hospitalization Expenses
Cover for new-born's hospitalization due to Illness or Injury. Inform us within 90 days of delivery. Extendable on subsequent renewals.
Out-Patient Treatment (OPD)Comprehensive Coverage for OPD Expenses
Access tele (Insta) consultations, in-clinic doctor visits, prescribed investigations, & annual preventive check-up at network centers.
Domiciliary HospitalizationCoverage for Home-based Medical Treatment
Expenses covered for medical treatment at home, up to in-patient hospitalization SI. Applicable in specific circumstances. Domiciliary hospitalization must exceed 3 days. Certain illnesses and vector-borne diseases excluded.
Home Nursing BenefitPost-Hospitalization Care Coverage
Fixed weekly benefit up to 10 weeks for post-hospitalization home nursing, if doctor-recommended. Applicable after In-patient claim payment & hospitalization within 10 days. Nursing bureau bill required.
Prescribed External AidsCover for Medical Equipment
Covers prescribed external medical aids like, braces, crutches, wheelchair, etc., if the claim is accepted under "In-patient Hospitalization Treatment."
Sum Insured ReinstatementReinstated Sum Insured for In-patient Hospitalisation Treatment
The In-patient Hospitalisation Treatment SI will be reinstated for subsequent claims, subject to conditions. It can be used for specified medical aids and is not carried forward to the next policy year.
Airlift Cover OverviewCoverage for Life-Threatening Health Conditions Requiring Airlift Transportation
Cover pays Reasonable and Customary airlift expenses, subject to medical certification, pre-approval, and distance criteria. Includes domestic travel.
Cumulative Bonus BoostBoost CB yearly, up to 100% of inpatient sum insured, with continuous renewal
levate your CB annually with claim-free renewals, up to 100% of inpatient sum insured. Secure your health and finances for the future.
Family Visit SupportReimbursement for Family Member's Travel
We cover incurred economy class travel expenses for one family member/relative/friend visiting the insured beneficiary.
In case of proposer's Accidental Injury/Illness death during policy, we cover renewal premium for dependents.
Consumable ExpensesReimbursement for Non-Medical Expenses
Covers non-medical expenses & consumables during Inpatient Hospitalization Treatment, up to the sum insured. No sales pitch, just facts.
My Health Care
Starting ₹15/day
Quote Eligibility Criteria
Maximum of 4 children can be added as members insured
Sum insured can range from amount ₹3 Lacs to ₹75 Lacs
As of now we don’t offer in app quotes in case any member has any sort of health condition or illness. Please contact us on - 020-66847333 for more details.
Health Declaration
It is hereby declared that:None of the persons to be insured have suffered from or been investigated for disorders of the heart or circulatory system, chest pain, high blood pressure, stroke, asthma, respiratory conditions, cancer, tumors, diabetes, hepatitis, urinary tract or kidney disorders, blood disorders, mental or psychiatric conditions, brain or nervous system diseases, epilepsy, slipped disc, backache, congenital or birth defects, urinary diseases, AIDS, or tested positive for HIV.Neither you nor any of the family members to be covered have had any health complaints or accidents in the past 4 years or prior to that. There has been no ongoing treatment, regular medication (self-prescribed or otherwise), or plans for any treatment, surgery, or hospitalizationYou do not smoke cigarettes or consume tobacco, alcohol, nicotine, or marijuana in any form.You and your immediate family members (father, mother, brother, or sister) have not had cancer, heart attacks, or strokes before the age of 60.No proposals for life, critical illness, or health-related insurance on your life or lives have ever been postponed, declined, or accepted on special terms.
I Agree that none of the selected members have any of the above pre-existing medical condition
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Got questions? Here are FAQs to address your doubts about 'My Health Care Plan.'
1. Who all can I Insure?
You can insure yourself, spouse and upto 4 children
2. What's new with this plan?
Benefits include maternity, airlift cover, home nursing, baby care, unlimited reinstatement for a specific illness, and the flexibility to customize your plan.
3. What is the entry & renewal age?
Entry age for proposer, spouse: 18 - 65 years
Entry age for dependent children: 3 months – 30 years
Separate policy for Parents/Parents-in-law
Policy is renewable for life.
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