World Brain Tumor Day: 5 Habits that Can Affect Brain


Medically reviewed by

Dr. Vikas Kumar Sharma

General Health

5 min read


The World Brain Tumor Day focuses on celebrating advancements made in neurological science. On this World Brain Tumor Day, get to know about some bad habits that can affect brain health.

Key Takeaways

  • World Brain Tumor Day creates awareness about the importance of brain health
  • Avoid bad habits that can affect your mental health by causing stroke in brain
  • Irregular sleeping patterns and skipping breakfast are a few bad habits to avoid

World Brain Tumor Day is observed to create awareness about this condition. June 8 is marked as World Brain Tumor Day 2022. The primary goal of observing this day was to change many misconceptions about brain tumors and provide the necessary support to patients and their family members. Just like World Cancer Day is observed globally on February 4 to raise awareness about cancer, World Tumor Brain Day is also observed with a similar agenda.

You may already know that a tumor means an abnormal cluster of cells. If the tumor in your cells multiplies abnormally, it turns malignant or cancerous. When your brain develops such malignant cells, they develop into a tumor. An alarming fact here is that brain tumor is one of the most common types of childhood cancer affecting girls, according to a study [1]. 

Another report indicates approximately 2% of all tumors affect the central nervous system [2]. This disease is the tenth main reason for deaths in India. On a global scale, there are approximately 500 cases being reported daily. With all this data at hand, it has become important to educate yourself and your loved ones about the importance of good brain health. Since the brain is an important organ of your body, it is essential that you nourish it well for proper functioning.

The theme for World Brain Tumor Day 2022 is Together We Are Stronger. This theme has been chosen to celebrate partnerships and advancements in neurological research. The World Brain Day 2022 theme creates a sense of awareness about the collaborations in neurological science. Here are a few events that may be included as a part of the World Brain Tumor Day 2022. 

  • Laboratory tours 
  • Symposiums 
  • Lectures 
  • Exhibitions displaying brain models 
  • Panel discussions

While it is important to be aware of the condition, it is equally necessary to know about different habits that can harm your brain. On this World Brain Tumor Day, learn about some hard-hitting habits that can actually affect the health of your brain.

Brain Tumor symptoms

Avoiding breakfast 

Proper nourishment is essential for your body, especially the brain, in order to stay active and energized throughout the day. Due to the hectic work schedules, you tend to miss your breakfast. As a result, the nutrient and sugar supply to your brain reduces. Without proper glucose intake, your brain cells tend to degenerate over a period of time. This may even lead to conditions like Parkinson’s disease or stroke in the brain [3].

Additional read: Stroke in Brain

Having irregular sleeping patterns 

The proverb, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise,” holds true for the proper health of your brain. Even if you are unable to sleep early, what is important is that you follow regular sleeping hours. Irregular sleep can make your brain inactive and dull. If this continues, it can even cause dementia in the long run.

If you are unable to get proper sleep, follow practices like meditation before bedtime. On this World Brain Tumor Day, take a vow to follow a proper sleeping ritual and avoid the usage of electronic devices prior to sleep.

World Brain Tumor Day

Sitting continuously for a long period. 

A study has linked a sedentary lifestyle with poor cognitive functioning [4]. According to this report, memory retaining areas of your brain get affected if you sit continuously for a long time. You may be taken aback to learn that sitting not only affects your physical health but also takes a toll on your neurological health. You may minimize your long sitting hours by walking or standing in between your work.

Keep a timer for 30 minutes, after which you can take a walk or do some light exercises. This helps rejuvenate your body cells as well. Make this World Brain Tumor Day memorable by practicing these good habits.

Using screen time excessively. 

While mobiles, television, or video games can entertain you, prolonged use of electronic devices can affect your emotional and mental health. With digitized technology gaining importance these days, there seems to be a decrease in face-to-face interactions. Having a proper human conversation is essential for enhancing the cognitive skills of your brain.

When the personal interaction is minimal, your brain is unable to connect or socialize properly. As a result, you prefer to stay aloof, which may lead to depression in the long run. Glaring at your screens continuously can also result in body aches and interfere with your sleeping patterns. So, make sure to minimize the usage of screens and set clear time limits for your mental well-being on this World Brain Tumor Day.

Additional read: Addiction of Social Media and Mental Health Disorders

Eating excessive amounts of junk foods. 

While eating too much may have detrimental effects on your brain, excessive consumption of junk food too can harm your brain. Processed foods are always bad for your brain. If you eat too many sugary juices, chips, or fries, it can affect your memory and learning skills. This leads to poor mental health. 

Since junk food contains excessive amounts of calories and sugar, you may be prone to other health conditions like diabetes and obesity. It is always advisable to reduce the consumption of junk foods. On this World Brain Tumor Day, let us march toward a healthy life ahead by eating a wholesome, nutritious diet. The moment you feel hungry, have a fruit or munch on nuts instead of eating chips.

Though the World Brain Tumor Day 2022 theme works towards celebrating the advancements in neurological science, do your bit by spreading awareness on bad lifestyle habits that can affect your brain. With this awareness, you can enlighten hundreds of people to take proper care of their brains.

If you find your loved ones struggling with mental health, consult neurologists and psychiatrists without delay. You can talk to reputed specialists on Bajaj Finserv Health. Book an appointment for a teleconsultation and clear all your queries on brain health from the comfort of your home. Take timely advice and boost your overall cognitive health on this World Brain Tumor Day. 

Published on 6 Jun 2022Last updated on 13 Apr 2023

Please note that this article is solely meant for informational purposes and Bajaj Finserv Health Limited (“BFHL”) does not shoulder any responsibility of the views/advice/information expressed/given by the writer/reviewer/originator. This article should not be considered as a substitute for any medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your trusted physician/qualified healthcare professional to evaluate your medical condition. The above article has been reviewed by a qualified doctor and BFHL is not responsible for any damages for any information or services provided by any third party.


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