Asthma Precautions for a Joyful Diwali


Medically reviewed by

Dr. Vikas Kumar Sharma

General Health

8 min read


While asthma cannot be reversed or cured, it is possible to control symptoms to the point where you hardly notice them. To get to this point, try avoiding common triggers, taking your medication as prescribed, and keeping in touch with your doctor frequently. In addition, you can easily prevent triggers by including asthma precautions in your daily life. 

Key Takeaways

  • If you have asthma, you should stay away from triggers that can increase your difficulties
  • As part of a generally healthy lifestyle, people with asthma should continue to exercise
  • Ensure your exercise program won't worsen your symptoms or condition. In such situations, follow asthma precautions

The festival of lights, known as Diwali, symbolizes the triumph of good over evil and is around the corner. Unfortunately, despite being a significant festival in India, Diwali can frequently be dangerous for those having asthma. Airways may narrow, swell, and produce extra mucus if you have asthma. It may make breathing challenging and cause coughing, wheezing when you exhale, and shortness of breath. Asthma is a minor annoyance for some people. However, others may experience a challenging issue that hinders daily activities and could result in a potentially fatal asthma attack. Hence asthma precautions are necessary.

Although there is no cure for asthma, you can manage its symptoms. First, try working with your general physician to monitor the signs and symptoms and modify your treatment as necessary because asthma frequently changes over time. It is crucial to take specific asthma precautions to prevent asthma attacks from getting threatening because of the increased particulate matter, emissions, and air pollution, brought on by fireworks. Here are a few safety measures asthmatics can take.

1. Stay Indoors 

Avoid going outside as much as possible during Diwali to protect yourself from the effects of firecrackers. Heavy, toxic substances like copper, cadmium, lead, manganese, zinc, sodium, and potassium are used in the firecrackers. Smoke containing these chemicals can be seriously irritating and harmful to people with asthma. Remaining indoors is the best precaution for asthma patients in this situation. Use a mask or handkerchief to cover the mouth if going outside is unavoidable. [1]

2. Keep Your Inhalers with you at all Times 

This is an essential precaution for asthma patients. Inhalers with controllers can lessen the likelihood of an asthma attack. Follow the directions on your prescription and take the recommended dosage every day. Diwali brings several airborne triggers, so it is best to keep your inhalers at your disposal. The airways will receive a targeted treatment from these inhalers. [2]

Additional Read: Treat Dry Cough At Homeasthma precaution tips during Diwali

3. Avoid Hard Drinks 

Avoiding alcohol is a vital asthma precautions tip. It is well known that alcoholic beverages like wine and beer can cause asthma attacks. During Diwali, your lungs get exposed to several irritants, so don't increase the likelihood of an attack by consuming these drinks. Alcohol, according to studies, can exacerbate symptoms. Additionally, it may set off a full-blown asthma attack. The culprits are typically histamines and sulfites, two substances found in different types of alcohol. When alcohol ferments, bacteria, and yeast produce histamines. They are common in red wine. Histamines are a well-known issue for allergy sufferers. People with asthma should be aware of this in particular. For those allergic to them, sulfites can also trigger a reaction. So while some people may wheeze, others may experience an asthma attack.

4. Take Warm Water 

Drink a glass of warm water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, and then gargle with it. Before eating, give yourself at least 30 minutes. 

According to a recent study, asthma and allergies may get significantly impacted by dehydration. Asthma attacks constrict the airways and the mucus produced by asthmatic lungs. This happens when there's a lack of water vapor in the lungs. Based on the research, avoid caffeine and drink at least ten glasses of water daily, along with a pinch of salt, as a measure of asthma precautions. It is so because caffeine dehydrates the body, and salt balances the water in the body.[3]

5. Pay Attention to What you Eat 

Enjoy every treat, but only in moderation. Overindulging in fried and oily foods can aggravate a sore throat, cause you to feel suffocated, and otherwise negatively impact your health. To lessen the likelihood of a sudden asthma attack, avoid overeating and include a balance of fruits and vegetables in your diet. 

Foods you should eat more of: 

  • Foods high in vitamin D, like milk and eggs 
  • Vegetables high in beta-carotene, like carrots and leafy greens 
  • Foods high in magnesium, like spinach and pumpkin seeds 

Patients with asthma can consult a nutritionist for a Diwali diet plan to help them prevent asthma attacks. 

Indulging in a Diwali weight loss plan is another option that you can use to help with the situation.

Additional Read: Avoid Eating in Winter to Control Cholesterol LevelAsthma Precautions in Diwali

6. Take Steam 

Take steam once or twice a day if you experience anxiety regularly. Don't add anything to the water.

Due to nasal and chest congestion, a stuffy nose is one of the main symptoms of asthma. Inhaling hot water mist may help break up mucus and ease its drainage if you have asthma and frequently find yourself wheezing due to the buildup of phlegm and mucus in your airways. 

As a result, the vapors may remove any obstinate mucus in your windpipe, ease respiratory discomfort, and facilitate breathing. 

Your airways become dry and more prone to an asthma attack in dry air because dry air causes the mucus to evaporate quickly. The expectorant effect of vapors keeps the mucous membrane from drying out.[4]

7. Turmeric 

Turmeric is thought to benefit all chronic conditions, including asthma, as it is known to reduce inflammation. 

Start drinking turmeric milk every night before bed as an asthma precaution at least a week before Diwali. You can boost your immunity and clear your respiratory passage with turmeric milk. In addition to turmeric milk, one can also consume turmeric tea. Following the Navratri fasting rules, asthma patients can detoxify their bodies before Diwali. These Navratri fasting benefits will help you avoid asthma attacks. 

Additional Read: Health Benefits of Tulsi

8. Avoid Crackers 

During Diwali, one measure for asthma precautions would be to from using crackers, just as we did when we switched to using organic colors for Holi and clay idols for Ganesh Chaturthi. Here are some Diwali safety precautions: 

  • Use candles - Beautify your house using candles and light them all at the same time  
  • Break open green crackers - Green crackers are less polluting than regular ones and are, therefore, environmentally friendly 
  • Cut back - Reduce the number of crackers you plan to pop by at least 50% 
  • Follow the rules - Adhere to the government's two-hour window for bursting crackers [5] 

9. Try Some Yoga 

Yoga can be highly beneficial in asthma management. Yoga can aid in better breathing by enhancing posture and opening the chest muscles. It might also help you learn how to control your breathing and lessen stress, a common cause of asthma symptoms. If you have never practiced yoga before, try it under the guidance of a professional and ask for more asthma precautions.

Additional Read: How Does Leading A Sedentary Lifestyle Affect

10. Consume Jaggery 

Jaggery detoxifies and relaxes the respiratory muscles in addition to having anti-allergic properties. 

Due to its high iron content, jaggery is a rich source of quick energy. Foods high in iron raise hemoglobin levels by increasing the blood's ability to carry oxygen. It helps you get rid of extra mucus while clearing your throat. It is a good measure and is considered effective amongst other asthma precautions.  

11. Skip the Morning Walk 

Avoid taking walks in the wee hours of the morning or the evening. At these times, the smog is lower in the atmosphere, making breathing more difficult. In addition, mornings are the worst for air quality. So, exercising indoors can be considered one of the most important asthma precautions. 

12. Don't Clean Up for Diwali 

Many people clean their homes before Diwali to prepare for this festive season. However, along with other asthma precautions, anyone with respiratory conditions or allergies should avoid housecleaning, as dust can cause breathing issues and can very easily cause an asthma attack. Further, avoid the smell of freshly painted walls because this is another festival-related effort to make our homes look new, and it can be dangerous for people with asthma.[6]

13. Removing Fluoride and Chlorine from Tap Water 

By filtering chlorine and fluoride out of their tap water, people with asthma and allergies can further regulate the environment in their homes, making it easier for everyone to breathe. For cleansing drinking water, you can use the filter, and for showers and baths, you can use shower filters that will cut down on the amount of chlorine in water as an asthma precaution. These filters eliminate all chemical allergens to deliver clean bathwater and spa quality. Taking shorter showers and turning off the water while washing your body are other easier ways to reduce exposure to water irritants. If investing in a filtration system is not an option, these Diwali safety tips will aid in lowering your exposure to toxins.

Understanding the effects on your health is essential. Now that you know the triggers try taking the necessary steps to lessen your allergy and asthma symptoms and enhance your general health. The above-mentioned 13 recommendations are all excellent precautions to be taken by asthma patients, which minimize the chance of a sudden asthma attack by including a variety of fruits and vegetables, going outside, and avoiding fireworks during Diwali. Use steam and warm water to relieve congestion, and get a doctor consultation from Bajaj Finserv Health if an asthma attack occurs. Breathing needs to be proper and deep. Today is a new day!

Published on 18 Oct 2022Last updated on 13 Apr 2023

Please note that this article is solely meant for informational purposes and Bajaj Finserv Health Limited (“BFHL”) does not shoulder any responsibility of the views/advice/information expressed/given by the writer/reviewer/originator. This article should not be considered as a substitute for any medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your trusted physician/qualified healthcare professional to evaluate your medical condition. The above article has been reviewed by a qualified doctor and BFHL is not responsible for any damages for any information or services provided by any third party.


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