About Coastal Care Hospital

Coastal Care Hospital We are established in the year of 2011, located in the faster growing city Guntur. “Coastal Care Hospital” will continuously deliver quality health care at a reasonable cost compared to any other hospital today. Coastal Care Hospital provides the best equipment and a team of specialist and super specialist Doctors, experienced Nurses, paramedicals and medical technicians and support staff with bed strength of 100 will be a boon to the common man cost of health care has kept many middle class and poor families from enjoying the fruits of medical science. Coastal Care Hospital has been set up to fulfill this essential need of humanity and make health care affordable....

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Coastal Care Hospital Overview :

Hospital NameCoastal Care Hospital
Specialty Type
Specializations count
Surgeries Count0
AddressCoastal Care Hospital,Coastal Care Hospital, 8th Lane Old Club Road, Opp RTC Bus Stand, Gunturvari Thota, Kothapeta, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh - 522001.
Emergency Contact numberr9059588320
Appointment & OPD timing8:00 am - 8:00 pm (Monday to Sunday)
Total no. of beds0
ICU Beds0

Appointment & OPD Timings

Monday to Sunday
8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Submit your details to book appointment for OPD & online consultation

Location of Coastal Care Hospital

Contact Numbers of
Coastal Care Hospital

Hospital Number :


Ambulance Number :

Emergency Number :



On the Coastal Care Hospital page on our website, you will see an OPD section where the OPD consultation timings of the hospital are mentioned. This section also contains the contact details of the hospital so that you consult Coastal Care Hospital doctors for your medical issues. You can call the mentioned number and book a preferred appointment slot at Coastal Care Hospital.

Coastal Care Hospital, Guntur accepts payments in cashless and online forms. You can make your payment in cash or using online modes such as debit card, credit card, UPI and internet banking.

No, it is not mandatory. You can pay the expenses out of your own pocket in Coastal Care Hospital.

Patients have the following rights in a hospital:

  • Medical Care during Emergency
  • Access Records and Reports
  • Non-Discrimination
  • Privacy
  • Informed Consent

You should carry a Legal Photo Identification (Eg: Aadhar, Driver's License, etc), Previous Medical Reports, Insurance Card if any.