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Locations of Apollo Clinics - Uppal in India



Imperial Hospital And Research Centre (Apollo) Bannerghatta photo


Imperial Hospital And Research Centre (Apollo) Bannerghatta, 154, IIM, 11, Bannerghatta Main Rd, opposite Krishnaraju Layout, Amalodbhavi Nagar, Naga, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560076.



Apollo Hospitals - Bhubaneshwar photo


Apollo Hospitals Bhubaneswar, Plot no 251, Sainik School Rd, Unit 15, Gajapati Nagar, Khorda, Orissa - 751005.


You can use the contact number: 18605007788 to connect with this branch of Apollo Clinics - Uppal.

One can connect with the hospital using the following contact number: 18605007788. In addition, clicking on the "Call Now" button will display the contact number, emergency number and ambulance contact number of the Apollo Clinics - Uppal.

Yes, Apollo Clinics - Uppal in Hyderabad offers ambulance services. This facility can be availed by contacting the hospital at this number: 18605007788.

In case of an emergency situation, you can use the number 18605007788 to request an ambulance service from Apollo Clinics - Uppal in Hyderabad.

Yes, Apollo Clinics - Uppal in Hyderabad offers emergency services. The emergency department can be connected using this number: 18605007788.


Appointment & OPD Timings

Monday to Saturday
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Submit your details to book appointment for OPD & online consultation

Location of Apollo Clinics - Uppal

Contact Numbers of
Apollo Clinics - Uppal

Hospital Number :


Ambulance Number :


Emergency Number :