BUN Urea Nitrogen, Serum

Also Know as: BUN Level


Last Updated 1 July 2024


About Blood Urea Nitrogen Test

Let’s get to know the definition of BUN test. The Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) test checks how well your kidneys are working by measuring a substance called urea nitrogen in your blood. Urea nitrogen comes from breaking down proteins in your body. This test helps doctors assess kidney function and how well the body eliminates waste. It also helps you know your urea level as compared to the normal blood urea level.


When Is the Blood Urea Nitrogen Test Prescribed?

  1. Checking Kidney Function: Doctors may order the Blood Urea Nitrogen Test during routine check-ups to see how well your kidneys are working and to catch any potential issues.

  2. Assessing Dehydration: It helps determine if you're dehydrated because BUN levels can go up when your body doesn't have enough fluids.

  3. Monitoring Health Conditions: If you have kidney ailments, diabetes, or high blood pressure, your doctor might use the Blood Urea Nitrogen Test to keep track of how these conditions are progressing and check your normal range of BUN.

  4. Checking Medication Effects: Doctors use it to see how certain medications, like diuretics or ACE inhibitors, are affecting your kidney function.


When Should I Take the Blood Urea Nitrogen Test?

You should consider taking the Blood Urea Nitrogen Test in the following situations:

  1. Routine Health Check-up: Your doctor may recommend the BUN test as part of your routine health check-up to assess kidney function and overall health.

  2. Symptoms of Kidney Disease: If you experience issues such as frequent urination, swelling in the hands or feet, changes in urine color or frequency, or persistent fatigue, your doctor may order a BUN test to check for kidney problems.

  3. Monitoring Kidney Function: If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease or are at risk due to conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure, your doctor may recommend regular BUN tests to assess kidney function and track changes over time.

  4. Before Certain Medical Procedures: Before undergoing certain medical procedures or treatments that may affect kidney function, such as surgery or certain medications, your doctor may order a BUN test to assess baseline kidney function and ensure safety.

  5. As part of a Comprehensive Blood Test: The BUN test is often included as part of an in-depth metabolic panel or basic metabolic panel, which evaluates various aspects of kidney function, liver function, and overall health.

By taking the BUN test as recommended by your doctor, you can assess kidney function, detect potential health problems early, and take steps to protect your overall health. Always follow your doctor's advice regarding when to take this test and how to interpret the results.


What Does the Blood Urea Nitrogen Test (BUN) Measure?

The Blood Urea Nitrogen Test checks how much urea nitrogen is in your blood. This helps doctors assess how well your kidneys are getting rid of waste.


How Do you Prepare for the Blood Urea Nitrogen Test?

Usually, you don't need to do anything extra before the Blood Urea Nitrogen Test. Just follow any instructions your doctor gives you.


What Happens During the Blood Urea Nitrogen Test?

The Blood Urea Nitrogen Test is simple and not painful:

  1. A qualified healthcare professional takes a blood sample from your arm.

  2. It's a quick and mostly painless process.

Interpreting Blood Urea Nitrogen Test Results

Understanding the results of the Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) test is essential for evaluating kidney function and overall health. Healthcare providers analyze BUN levels along with other tests and clinical information to get a complete picture of kidney health. Here's a simple explanation of how they interpret Blood Urea Nitrogen Test results:

  1. Normal Ranges: The BUN test measures the amount of nitrogen in the blood from urea, which is a waste product produced when the liver breaks down proteins. Normal BUN levels usually fall within a specific range, which may vary slightly between labs. Your healthcare provider compares your BUN levels to this range to see if they're normal.

  2. Relation to Kidney Function: High BUN levels could indicate kidney issues, but other factors like dehydration, certain medications, and high protein intake can also affect BUN levels. Healthcare providers consider these factors before diagnosing kidney problems.

  3. BUN-to-Creatinine Ratio: Healthcare providers often look at the ratio between BUN and creatinine, another waste product filtered by the kidneys. This ratio helps distinguish between different causes of high BUN levels.

  4. Clinical Context: Interpreting BUN results involves considering your overall health, medical history, age, and recent dietary changes, among other factors.

  5. Tracking Changes Over Time: Serial BUN measurements over time provide valuable information about kidney-related issues. Trends in BUN levels help healthcare providers make informed decisions about diagnosis and treatment.

  6. Collaboration with Other Tests: BUN results are often evaluated alongside other kidney function tests like serum creatinine levels and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). This collaborative approach gives a comprehensive understanding of kidney health.

In conclusion, interpreting Blood Urea Nitrogen Test results requires considering various factors. Your healthcare provider will explain your BUN levels, guide you through the interpretation process, and recommend further steps if needed. Regular monitoring of kidney function through BUN tests is crucial, especially for those with conditions like diabetes or hypertension.

Blood Urea Nitrogen Normal Range

The normal range/level for Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) typically falls between 7 and 20 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) of blood. This range might vary slightly depending on the laboratory and the method used for testing.

Causes of High Blood Urea Nitrogen Levels

High Blood Urea Nitrogen levels can be caused by various factors. Here's a simple explanation of some common causes:

  1. Kidney Problems: Reduced kidney function can lead to higher BUN levels because the kidneys may struggle to filter urea from the blood efficiently. Conditions like acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, or kidney failure can result in elevated BUN levels.

  2. Dehydration: When you're dehydrated, your body conserves water by reducing urine production. As a result, urea becomes more concentrated in the blood, leading to higher BUN levels.

  3. Heart Failure: In heart failure, decreased blood flow to the kidneys can hamper their ability to filter waste products properly, causing BUN levels to rise.

  4. GI Bleeding: Gastrointestinal bleeding, such as from a stomach ulcer or gastrointestinal tract injury, can increase the amount of protein that is broken down in the body. This can lead to higher BUN levels as more urea is produced.

  5. High Protein Diet: Consuming a high-protein diet can increase urea production, leading to elevated BUN levels. However, this is typically temporary and not a cause for concern in otherwise healthy individuals.

  6. Certain Medications: Some medications, such as corticosteroids, diuretics, and certain antibiotics, can affect kidney function and lead to higher BUN levels as a side effect.

  7. Infections: Severe infections or sepsis can affect kidney function and lead to elevated BUN levels due to decreased blood flow to the kidneys and increased production of urea.

  8. Urinary Tract Obstruction: Blockages like kidney stones or tumors present in the urinary tract can impair urine flow and lead to higher BUN levels as waste products accumulate in the blood.

  9. Shock or Trauma: Conditions that cause shock or trauma, such as severe burns, injuries, or major surgery, can lead to decreased blood flow to the kidneys and subsequent increases in BUN levels.

Understanding the causes of high BUN levels can help identify underlying health issues and guide appropriate treatment. If you have concerns about your BUN levels, consult with your healthcare advisor for further evaluation and management.

How to Maintain Healthy BUN Levels?

Maintaining healthy Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) levels is vital for kidney health. Here's a simple guide on how to do it:

  1. Drink Enough Water: Stay hydrated to support kidney function and waste removal. Drinking water dilutes urea in the blood, easing the load on your kidneys. Aim for a daily intake based on your age, climate, and activity level. Check your urine color – pale yellow means you're hydrated.

  2. Eat Right: A balanced diet is key. Moderation is key for protein intake, as too much can strain your kidneys. Also, go for a low-sodium (salt) diet to lower the risk of high blood pressure, which helps your kidneys. Consult a dietitian for personalized guidance.

  3. Stay Active: Regular exercise boosts overall well-being, including kidney health. It improves blood circulation, supporting optimal kidney function. Maintaining a healthy weight also lowers the risk of diabetes and hypertension, which can harm your kidneys. Choose activities suitable for your fitness level.

  4. Manage Medications: Take medications responsibly to maintain healthy BUN levels. Inform your healthcare team about any over-the-counter drugs or supplements, as they can affect kidney function. Regularly communicate with your healthcare providers to adjust medications if needed and avoid potential interactions.

In conclusion, at Bajaj Finserv Health, we're dedicated to your well-being and offer comprehensive healthcare services. If you're worried about your kidney health or BUN levels, our healthcare professionals are here to help. Remember, a kidney-friendly lifestyle involves staying hydrated, eating well, staying active, and managing medications responsibly.

Benefits of Maintaining Healthy Blood Urea Nitrogen Levels

  • It's important to mention that getting a Complete Blood Picture (CBP) test alongside the Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) test gives a better view of your overall health. The CBP test checks different parts of your blood, helping to spot any blood-related issues and giving a good picture of your health. Combining it with the BUN test helps doctors better understand your kidney function and overall well-being.

  • Understanding the normal range for blood urea is also key. This range can vary between labs and depends on factors like age and health. Doctors compare your BUN levels to this range to see if they're normal. If they're not, more checks might be needed.

  • Regular checks with both the CBP and BUN tests help doctors keep an eye on your kidney health and overall wellness. And if your BUN levels are consistently low, it's important to look at your whole health picture to find out why.

How to Schedule a Blood Urea Nitrogen Test with Bajaj Finserv Health?

Scheduling a Blood Urea Nitrogen Test with Bajaj Finserv Health is a straightforward process:

  1. Visit our website.

  2. Select the 'Book a Test' option.

  3. Choose 'Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Test.'

  4. Specify your preferred laboratory, location, and appointment time.

  5. Opt for either 'Lab Visit' or 'Home Sample Collection.'

  6. Complete the payment process to confirm your booking.

Blood Urea Nitrogen Test Price in India

In India, the price of a Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) test typically ranges from Rs 100 to Rs 500, depending on various factors such as the location of the laboratory, the quality of service provided, and whether it's a standalone test or part of a comprehensive panel.

Here's a list of cost of BUN test in various cities -


This is not medical advice, and this content should only be considered for informational purposes only. Consult with your healthcare provider for individual medical guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes high BUN levels?

High BUN levels can signal various health issues, mainly kidney problems. When kidneys don't work well, they can't filter waste properly, leading to more urea nitrogen in the blood. Dehydration is another reason for high BUN. Less water means more concentrated urea in the blood. Heart failure and bleeding in the gut can also raise BUN levels. Some medicines like painkillers and antibiotics can affect BUN too.

Does eating less protein lower BUN?

Yes, cutting back on protein can lower BUN levels. Protein breaks down into urea, so less protein means less urea in the blood. But remember, big diet changes should be discussed with a healthcare pro to ensure you're still getting all the necessary nutrients.

How often should I get a BUN test?

It depends on your health and what your doctor suggests. For most folks, once a year is enough. But if you have kidney or heart issues or you're on specific meds, you might need more checks. Your doctor will decide based on your health history

Can BUN tests show kidney problems?

High BUN levels can hint at kidney trouble, but they can't diagnose it alone. Doctors use other tests like creatinine and GFR tests to get the full picture. These tests show how well your kidneys filter waste. So, while high BUN is a red flag, it's not the whole story.