Salandi Hospital
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Salandi Hospital - Gabasahi, Bhadrak

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About Salandi Hospital

Salandi Hospital is a 100 bed hospital that is well-known for its patient-centric approach, advanced healthcare infrastructure and competent medical care. The hospital has experienced, qualified and highly trained doctors who diagnose, treat and surgically manage the patients who visit Salandi Hospital. The hospital caters to several medical specialties, including Gynecology and Obstetrics, Pediatrics, General Surgery, General Medicine. All ailments pertaining to these specialties are taken care of by the expert doctors at Salandi Hospital. It provides the following services to their patients for a comprehensive and efficient healthcare experience: Path Lab, X Ray....

Specialities in Salandi Hospital Bhadrak

Gynecology and Obstetrics
General Surgery
General Medicine


Salandi Hospital-photoSalandi Hospital-photo

Services Offered

Path Lab
X Ray

Patient Reviews for Salandi Hospital Bhadrak, Gabasahi

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Salandi Hospital Overview :

Hospital NameSalandi Hospital
Specialty TypeGynecology and Obstetrics, Pediatrics, General Surgery, General Medicine
Specializations count4
Surgeries Count0
AddressSalandi Hospital,Salandi Hospital, Motel Square, NH 5, Bhadrak City, Bhadrak, Orissa - 756101.
Emergency Contact numberr09437041667
Appointment & OPD timing9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Monday to Saturday)
Total no. of beds100
ICU Beds3

Appointment & OPD Timings

Monday to Saturday
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Submit your details to book appointment for OPD & online consultation

Location of Salandi Hospital

Contact Numbers of
Salandi Hospital

Hospital Number :


Ambulance Number :


Emergency Number :



On the Salandi Hospital page on our website, you will see an OPD section where the OPD consultation timings of the hospital are mentioned. This section also contains the contact details of the hospital so that you consult Salandi Hospital doctors for your medical issues. You can call the mentioned number and book a preferred appointment slot at Salandi Hospital.

Salandi Hospital, Bhadrak accepts payments in cashless and online forms. You can make your payment in cash or using online modes such as debit card, credit card, UPI and internet banking.

No, it is not mandatory. You can pay the expenses out of your own pocket in Salandi Hospital.

Patients have the following rights in a hospital:

  • Medical Care during Emergency
  • Access Records and Reports
  • Non-Discrimination
  • Privacy
  • Informed Consent

You should carry a Legal Photo Identification (Eg: Aadhar, Driver's License, etc), Previous Medical Reports, Insurance Card if any.