Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital
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Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital - Palayam, Kozhikode

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About Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital

Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode - Empowering Vision About Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode: Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode is a specialized eye care hospital located in the heart of Kozhikode, Kerala. This hospital was founded with the aim of providing affordable and accessible yet quality eye care services to the people of Kozhikode and neighboring areas. Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode is equipped with state-of-the-art medical facilities and staffs a team of highly skilled and experienced ophthalmologists and support staff. The hospital is committed to providing comprehensive eye care services to patients, from diagnosis and treatment to follow-up care and counseling. The hospital's mission is to empower vision by providing high-quality eye care services to all, regardless of their socio-economic status. Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode strives to achieve this mission by offering a range of affordable and accessible eye care services to patients. Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode Awards and Recognitions: Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode has been recognized for its exceptional eye care services. Some of the awards and recognitions received by the hospital are: Best Eye Hospital in Kozhikode - Awarded by Kerala State Ophthalmic Association Best Eye Hospital in Kerala - Awarded by Kerala State Ophthalmic Association Best Eye Hospital in South India - Awarded by National Healthcare Excellence Awards Services Offered at Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode: Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode offers a range of eye care services to patients, including: Comprehensive eye check-up Cataract surgery Cornea treatment Glaucoma treatment Retina treatment Pediatric eye care Contact lens services Optical services The hospital also provides specialized eye care services, such as diabetic eye care and neuro-ophthalmology, to address specific eye conditions and diseases. Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode - Affordable Eye Care Services: At Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode, the team is committed to providing affordable and accessible eye care services to patients. The hospital offers a range of treatment packages and payment options to make eye care services accessible to patients from all backgrounds. Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode also offers financial aid to patients who are unable to afford the cost of treatment. The hospital has tied up with various government and non-governmental organizations to provide financial aid to patients from economically weaker sections. Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode - State-of-the-Art Infrastructure Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode is equipped with state-of-the-art medical facilities and equipment to provide the best possible care to patients. The hospital has a modern operation theater, advanced diagnostic tools, and specialized equipment for various eye care procedures. The hospital also has a team of highly skilled and experienced ophthalmologists who are trained in the latest techniques and procedures in eye care. Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode - Community Outreach Programs: Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode is committed to giving back to the community. The hospital regularly conducts community outreach programs, such as eye camps and awareness campaigns, to promote eye health and prevent blindness in the community. The hospital has also tied up with various government and non-governmental organizations to conduct eye care programs in rural and remote areas where access to eye care services is limited. In conclusion, Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode is a non-profit eye hospital committed to providing excellent eye care services to all patients. The hospital's commitment to making quality eye care accessible and affordable to everyone in need has granted it a reputation as one of the best eye hospitals in the region. With its state-of-the-art facilities, experienced staff, and community outreach programs, Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode is a beacon of hope for those seeking quality eye care services....

Specialities in Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Kozhikode


Services Offered


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Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Overview :

Hospital NameComtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital
Specialty TypeOphthalmology
Specializations count1
Surgeries Count0
AddressComtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital,Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital, Mini Bypass Rd, Puthiyara, Kozhikode, Kerala - 673004.
Emergency Contact numberr04952725050
Appointment & OPD timing9:00 AM - 8:00 PM (Monday to Saturday)
Total no. of beds0
ICU Beds0

Appointment & OPD Timings

Monday to Saturday
9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Submit your details to book appointment for OPD & online consultation

Location of Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital

Contact Numbers of
Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital

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On the Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital page on our website, you will see an OPD section where the OPD consultation timings of the hospital are mentioned. This section also contains the contact details of the hospital so that you consult Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital doctors for your medical issues. You can call the mentioned number and book a preferred appointment slot at Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital.

Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital, Kozhikode accepts payments in cashless and online forms. You can make your payment in cash or using online modes such as debit card, credit card, UPI and internet banking.

No, it is not mandatory. You can pay the expenses out of your own pocket in Comtrust Charitable Trust Eye Hospital.

Patients have the following rights in a hospital:

  • Medical Care during Emergency
  • Access Records and Reports
  • Non-Discrimination
  • Privacy
  • Informed Consent

You should carry a Legal Photo Identification (Eg: Aadhar, Driver's License, etc), Previous Medical Reports, Insurance Card if any.