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While the average cost of a surgery at this institute stands at Rs. 33000, the price can vary from Rs. 18000 to Rs. 100000, based on the specifics like the equipment employed. With 30 years of experience in Cataract Surgery, Dr. Prabhu is a disting...
Minimum Cost
₹ 18000
Average Cost
₹ 33000
Maximum Cost
₹ 100000
The average surgery cost is Rs. 30000 here. Depending on various elements like the kind of medical tools used, the price can range between Rs. 25000 and Rs. 35000. Dr. Pallavi, with 22 years of experience in Dcr Routine, is a renowned name in the f...
Minimum Cost
₹ 25000
Average Cost
₹ 30000
Maximum Cost
₹ 35000
On an average, the cost of Orbitotomy at this institute is Rs. 45000. Depending on several factors, such as the type of medical equipment used in the surgery and other parameters, the surgery cost ranges from Rs. 40000 to Rs. 50000. With 30 years of...
Minimum Cost
₹ 40000
Average Cost
₹ 45000
Maximum Cost
₹ 50000
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