Paras Hec Hospital
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Paras Hec Hospital - Khataal, Ranchi

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About Paras Hec Hospital

The finest and most seasoned medical professionals in India are employed by the hospital network known as Paras Healthcare to deliver appropriate care while utilizing cutting-edge technology. The medical specialists and nurses, cutting-edge infrastructure, and digital pervasiveness—all of which Paras Healthcare has proven to be capable of—have led to the company's position of authority and its reputation as a quality healthcare company.

Paras Hospital Team:

With a goal of offering quality healthcare services that are accessible, inexpensive, and reasonable, Paras Healthcare Private Limited was founded in 2006. They currently operate EXPERT TEAMS in the four North Indian states of Haryana, Bihar, Rajasthan, and Jharkhand and offer tertiary medical care services to disadvantaged populations across the nation at reasonable costs. The mission to deliver an integrated health environment for our patients and to make the service a possibility for all Indians sets them apart from the competition. By managing 9100 beds by 2031, we want to be the leading private primary care facility in all of the 12 North Indian states in India that comprise 40% of the populace.

Paras Hospital Facilities:

CARDIOLOGY- In order to treat cardiac and vascular illnesses, the Paras Institute of Cardiology provides preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic services that meet or exceed worldwide standards. This institute is at the cutting edge of cardiac care due to its quick reaction to cardiac crises such as the management of congestive cardiac failure, radial angiography, tachycardia, and heart attacks. A professional group of cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, anesthetists, doctors, physicists, and nurses with advanced training from across the world works together to give patients with thorough, kind care that is supported by cutting-edge technology. The center uses the trans-radial route for cardiac treatments and has Interventional Specialists trained in its use, which lowers the risk of problems and ensures a quick recovery.

CRITICAL CARE- All hospital departments are supported 24 hours a day, seven days a week by the Paras Institute of Critical Care for the diagnosis and treatment of challenging and life-threatening illnesses. The Institute includes a diversified medical staff that focuses on providing extended support in instances requiring medical treatment, such as those involving organ dysfunction or collapse, airway management, deadly arrhythmias, etc. The Institute has stellar medical technology, dedicated critical care sections, and a licensed blood bank, all of which increase the likelihood that patients may survive complicated operations. By following international norms for emergency medicine administration, the team of committed anesthesiologists and trauma experts makes sure that prompt intervention is provided for rapid recovery.

GASTROENTOLOGY- A cutting-edge center of excellence, the Paras Institute of Gastroenterology and GI Surgery is committed to treating patients with complicated gastrointestinal and liver conditions. For the diagnosis and gastroenterological treatment of a variety of problems of the pancreas, liver, gallbladder, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and colon, its devoted team of gastroenterologists, surgeons, and hepatologists uses cutting-edge equipment based on worldwide protocol. Several of these issues are diagnosed and treated using minimally invasive techniques, which presents better results and faster recovery times. In addition to treating GI cancer, the Paras Institute of Gastroenterology and GI Surgery also specializes in treating colonoscopies and endoscopies.

INTERNAL MEDICINE- In addition to diagnosing, treating, and managing lifestyle problems including diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, the Paras Institute of Internal Medicine also specializes in infectious and inflammatory diseases like malaria, typhoid, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, dengue fever, and others. The Institute specializes in the treatment of environmental diseases, allergies, asthma, respiratory issues, and other conditions. Every patient receives worldwide-level medical care thanks to the expertise of a crew of intensive care doctors, exceptional specialists, and doctors with extensive experience in managing a variety of illnesses and disorders. They also make optimal use of cutting-edge critical care technologies. The doctors and nurses use evidence-based medical procedures and provide all patients with round-the-clock care.


Specialities in Paras Hec Hospital Ranchi

Gynecology and Obstetrics

Services Offered

Path Lab
X Ray

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Paras Hec Hospital Overview :

Hospital NameParas Hec Hospital
Specialty TypeOrthopedics, Pediatrics, Cardiology, Neurology, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Gastroenterology, Urology
Specializations count7
Surgeries Count0
AddressParas Hec Hospital,Paras Hec Hospital, Near Prabhat Tara School, Khataal, Dhurwa, Ranchi, Jharkhand - 834004.
Emergency Contact numberr06517107600
Appointment & OPD timing9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Monday to Saturday)
Total no. of beds0
ICU Beds0

Appointment & OPD Timings

Monday to Saturday
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Submit your details to book appointment for OPD & online consultation

Location of Paras Hec Hospital

Contact Numbers of
Paras Hec Hospital

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On the Paras Hec Hospital page on our website, you will see an OPD section where the OPD consultation timings of the hospital are mentioned. This section also contains the contact details of the hospital so that you consult Paras Hec Hospital doctors for your medical issues. You can call the mentioned number and book a preferred appointment slot at Paras Hec Hospital.

Paras Hec Hospital, Ranchi accepts payments in cashless and online forms. You can make your payment in cash or using online modes such as debit card, credit card, UPI and internet banking.

No, it is not mandatory. You can pay the expenses out of your own pocket in Paras Hec Hospital.

Patients have the following rights in a hospital:

  • Medical Care during Emergency
  • Access Records and Reports
  • Non-Discrimination
  • Privacy
  • Informed Consent

You should carry a Legal Photo Identification (Eg: Aadhar, Driver's License, etc), Previous Medical Reports, Insurance Card if any.