MRI scan

MRI scan

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) stands as an advanced medical imaging method employing potent magnetic fields and radio waves to produce intricate visuals of the body's internal structures. This non-invasive approach provides exceptional precision, yielding high-resolution depictions of soft tissues, organs, and joints. MRI proves invaluable in diagnosing diverse medical conditions, encompassing neurological disorders, musculoskeletal issues, and irregularities in the abdominal and pelvic regions. Healthcare professionals rely on MRI as an indispensable instrument for crafting accurate treatment strategies and directing surgical procedures with unparalleled accuracy.

Showing Spine MRI Packages in Lucknow (3)


Also Known as MRI C. Spine, Cervical MRi Scan

Charakdhar Diagnostics Private Limited

Charakdhar Diagnostics Private Limited

2 Labs



Also Known as MRI Thoracic Spine

Charakdhar Diagnostics Private Limited

Charakdhar Diagnostics Private Limited

2 Labs



Also Known as MRI D.L Spine

Apollo Medics International Lifesciences Limited

Apollo Medics International Lifesciences Limited


Popular Tests


Also Known as MRI Thoracic Spine

Charakdhar Diagnostics Private Limited

Charakdhar Diagnostics Private Limited

2 Labs

on timeReports within 48 Hours


Also Known as MRI C. Spine, Cervical MRi Scan

Charakdhar Diagnostics Private Limited

Charakdhar Diagnostics Private Limited

2 Labs

on timeReports within 48 Hours


Also Known as MRI D.L Spine

Apollo Medics International Lifesciences Limited

Apollo Medics International Lifesciences Limited

on timeReports within 48 Hours

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What is an MRI scan?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI scan) is a medical imaging technique that uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create a detailed picture of the body's internal structures. It provides valuable information about organs, tissues, bones, and other structures. These scans assist doctors in the diagnosis and monitoring of various medical conditions.

How does an MRI scan work?

An MRI scan works by utilizing a powerful magnet and radio waves. When you enter the MRI machine, the magnet aligns your body's hydrogen atoms (Water molecules). Radio waves are then applied, causing the hydrogen atoms to emit signals. A receiver detects these signals, and with the help of advanced computer technology, they are transformed into detailed images that healthcare professionals can interpret.

Who needs an MRI scan?

An MRI scan may be recommended for various medical conditions, including: - Brain and spinal cord disorders (such as tumors, multiple sclerosis, or stroke) - Joint and musculoskeletal problems (such as torn ligaments, cartilage injuries, or arthritis) - Abdominal and pelvic abnormalities (including tumors, cysts, or organ disorders) - Breast abnormalities (to evaluate breast tissue and detect breast cancer) - Heart and blood vessel conditions (such as heart defects or blocked blood vessels) - Certain types of cancer staging and monitoring

Preparation for an MRI Scan:

Inform the healthcare provider about any metallic implants, devices, or medical conditions you have. - Avoid wearing jewelry, watches, or clothing with metallic components during the scan. - you Can eat and drink unless told otherwise. - you might receive contrast material through an injection to enhance the visibility of Certain structures.

Spine MRI Tests Price in Lucknow

Provider Name


Apollo Medics International Lifesciences Limited centre for MRI scan

₹6600 - ₹14500

Charakdhar Diagnostics Private Limited centre for MRI scan

₹5500 - ₹10500

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does an MRI scan take?

The duration of an MRI scan varies depending on the area being examined, but it typically takes 15 minutes to an hour.

Can I have an MRI scan if I have metal implants or devices in my body?

In some cases, it may be possible to have an MRI scan with certain metal implants or devices. However, it's important to inform the healthcare provider about them beforehand, as some implants can interfere with the MRI scan.

Will I feel any pain or discomfort during the MRI scan?

No, an MRI scan is painless. However, you may experience some discomfort from lying still for an extended period or from the noise produced by the machine. The healthcare team will make sure you feel as comfortable as possible.

How soon can I receive my MRI scan results?

The timing of receiving MRI scan results can vary depending on the healthcare facility and the situation's urgency. Usually, preliminary results may be available immediately, while a comprehensive report may take a day or two.

Can pregnant women have an MRI scan?

There is no evidence suggesting harm to the fetus; it's generally recommended to avoid MRI scans during the first trimester unless medically necessary. Discussing the risks and benefits with the healthcare provider before proceeding is crucial.